Sumner Washington DADU Code Updated!!
Sumner Washington DADU Code was just updated to match with the Washington State House Bill 1337. As in every municipality, they have the right to work within the confines of their single family residence(sfr) code. So, let’s take a look at some of the changes and how it will benefit home owners in the Sumner city limits. Oh as a side note, a DADU stands for detached accessory dwelling unit.
Sumner Washington DADU Code Changes
If you have a rental in Sumner, this could be the biggest and best change for you. You can now build DADUs on any non-owner occupied property. City of Sumner did change a few of the setbacks and so that can affect how a DADU fits on the lot, but it is probably the biggest change of all.
You can now put up to two DADUs per property!! This won’t work based on lot sizes a lot of times and if you have septic at all, it can really affect the buildable area. But, if you your property is attached to sewer, it could be a very doable build. Two is not always the best, but it can be very advantageous in certain scenarios.
You can also build up to 1000sqft, which is awesome. Since their code is still so new, as of writing this it hasn’t even been updated on City of Sumner’s website, we verify all these items before we even sign a contract with clients, but it allows for larger units than before. There are some hierarchy rules we have to abide by if the main house is a single story unit.
The last main change is the ability to condominiumize the property. What does that mean? It means, that the DADU can now become an SFR and get separate financing and be sold separately from the main original dwelling! That’s huge for a couple of reasons. It allows home owners to really maximize their property and it allows more housing, especially in the downtown city area. Sumner doesn’t have a lot of room left to grow, but this allows for that growth to happen.
So, we think that this code change could really benefit a lot of people. Can it be annoying for some? Absolutely, but we believe the positives outweigh the negatives. Sumner Washington DADU code will definitely allow for more housing and allow homeowners to maximize the value of their properties. Let us know what you think about the change!!
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